Hypnosis and Yoga – The Pyramid of the Neurological Levels and the Chakras (2/2)

Hypnosis and Yoga – The Pyramid of the Neurological Levels and the Chakras (2/2)

Here I will continue to link the Pyramid of the Neurological Levels, which is an NLP technique used extensively in hypnotherapy, to the chakra system described in yoga.   

I am at the fourth neurological level, that of beliefs, in correspondence with the fourth chakra, that of the heart.


We believe that there are consequences if we don’t keep to the speed limit, that it is dangerous, that we risk a fine.

If we don’t care about our speed, we won’t limit ourselves, even if we can.

This is probably the neurological level where the problems most commonly occur. It is very often involved when we suffer from fears, such as those of danger or fines in our example.

The fourth chakra, associated with the belief level, is “Anahata”, the heart chakra.

The opening of this chakra is said, according to some traditions, to lead to the opening of all the others.

It is in a way the core of the human being, halfway between Heaven and Earth, and once unblocked it represents Love.

And the parallel with the neurological level becomes obvious if we remember the passage from the Bible (1 Jn 4:18): “There is no fear in love; on the contrary, perfect love banishes fear. 


Respecting speed limits becomes natural if one values the law.

In the traditional pyramid of neurological levels, beliefs and values are merged at the fourth level, and answer the same question – “Why?”.

But it may seem strange that all the other levels needed only one word, and I and others have chosen to distinguish between beliefs and values in the pyramid.

Beliefs can be quite concrete, while values are always abstract. They are a subtle way of making us agree or disagree with a situation. They are the reflection of our personality, they express who we are inside.

The fifth chakra is “Vishuddha”, it is located at the base of the throat.

It is associated with expression, communication and relationships. It is also difficult to separate it entirely from the previous chakra, that of the heart, of Love!

But by verbalising our feelings, we access a higher level of abstraction. And Vishuddha is also linked to truth and lies, and therefore to the value of words.



Being a ‘good driver’ is an identity we like to assume.

Here we are at a higher level of abstraction, there is no need for physical sensations, feelings or words, it is about who we are, who we think we are.

If you have to go back to this level to deal with a difficulty, it is because it has been there for a long time, perhaps even since you were born, or even (believe it or not) before you were born. And healing will be accompanied by great changes in your life.

The associated chakra is “Ajna”, the famous “third eye”, located in the pituitary gland. It is linked to thought but more generally to all our states of consciousness, modified or not, and therefore to our psyche in general.

Its opening destroys our illusions, in particular that of the ego, an identity that appears false when contemplated from the point of view of the Absolute “I am” or “I am This”.

Belonging (or Sense)

Making the road a safe place for other users and pedestrians makes sense to us, it is what motivates us to maintain our identity as a good driver, and allows all the other neurological levels to align.

This neurological level is the level of belonging, it goes beyond the isolated individual, it would not make sense if it were to apply to a single person. It is the one that links us to others, such as religions or nations or other human groups.

The seventh chakra is “Sahasrara”, it is not always counted among the chakras and is located outside the body, a few centimetres above the skull. It therefore goes beyond the individual too!

It is the coronal chakra, the crown, the “lotus of a thousand petals”. Sahasrara is linked to the pineal gland or epiphysis. This gland, supposedly the seat of the soul according to Descartes, is the conductor of all hormonal activities in the human body.

This chakra allows us to receive divine wisdom, and even to unite with the divine plan. It is the chakra of universal peace, which is very evident in the small and apparently harmless example of the car driver.

Further reading

I hope that NLP enthusiasts (and others) will gain a better understanding of the chakras and be able to reflect on this new way of looking at the pyramid of neurological levels.

For those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the chakras, I recommend this very good book*** written by a French hypnotherapist, Stéphane Le Colas.

*** Les chakras, ce qu’ils sont vraiment : une explication brève mais concrète grâce aux apports de la science, du Tantra et de la psychologie moderne. Stéphane Le Colas. ISBN 978-1980671831.